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Ms. Suspense Stages Your Seduction

Coney Island, New York
September 10, 1989 CI8903

   Red with vertical black straps strapoffed halter and sidestrapped bikini.

   TML. N-4.

   This suntan sweetheart has ensured she will have no tan lines from her halter today because she has untied her neck straps completely and carefully folded them on her halter (1), which now lies freely on her breasts and just barely covers her aerolae (2). The staging precludes any sudden movement, and invites the possibility of nippage, especially from the opposite side (3).

   Neckstrap unties which have to possibility of revealing the areola and nipple are a technique fully understood by Coney Island's sophisticated sunbathers.

   Wildlife. 3 pictures.
CI890301.JPG CI890301C.JPG CI890302.JPG