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First Wildlife G-string

Ft. Lauderdale Beach, Florida
October 1987 FL8710

   Orange and black animal pattern string halter and g-string.

   TMLA. N-3. Inguinal. Crotchage.

   A black-haired thing walks up the beach (1), turns around (2), leans over (3, 4, 5), sits (6, 7), and rolls over onto her belly (8, 9), and sleeps, her legs apart (10).
   Later she sits up (11), stands and breezes past (12), then turns (13), pauses by a pole (14, 15), then heads down the sidewalk past the shower to talk to some friends and admirers (16).

   A g-string in public, in fact on a sidewalk bordering High Beach! This is a more radical exposure than FL8715, who only walks down the water, or FL8717, who toasts her buns on the beach, or PB87SE, who is more remote.
   For a contextualization of other early adopters consult the Bikini Science Times (1990-1995).

   Wildlife. 16 pictures.
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